Hi all. Time for another nugget of thought.
Of late I have been reading a lot concerning the vaccination debate. To vaccinate or not to vaccinate. I will state to begin with I am pro vaccination (very strongly) so if you read this thinking I will support what I find to be ridiculous reasons for not vaccinating your children you will be mistaken.
But this is not a rant either about the narrow views of those anti vaccination. I believe this is as a good an example as I can find about modern life as any.
First lets look at some of the arguments I have found against vaccinating your children. The couple of reasons that make me chuckle most are 1. Vaccinations give your kid autism and 2. Vaccinations are full of toxic chemicals and 3. Vaccinations are mind control serums that the government uses to control the population. I bet most readers will have a giggle at these when they read them put so plainly.
Let's look at the autism reason first. Autism is a genetic condition. So it means you are born with genes that code for autism. Please show me conclusive scientific proof (not some hillbilly's whack job manifesto) that science is at the point where we can alter the genes of a living organism as complex as a human. We humans are still stumbling at altering the genes of more simple creatures like plants, bacteria and so on and they have to be altered when they are still embryos. That is when they are still merely a single cell. Viruses for instance do have the capacity to insert their RNA (not DNA) into cells to hijack the cell's ability to reproduce but they do not have the capacity to alter DNA.
And honestly if we were at the point where we could manipulate the genes of a human don't you think they would be using it to do something constructive ... like cure the many genetic diseases out there that are a result of the DNA not being correct when the child was conceived? Not burdening the medical systems of the world by creating children who need thousands and thousands (probably millions) of dollars of additional care over their life times?
Anyway the study that found this link has been discredited and is now a laughing stock of the scientific community.
Now lets look at the mind control aspect (I will come back to the toxic chemicals in a sec). If you have been vaccinated think about this - did you choose what to wear this morning? Did you choose who to vote for last election? Did you choose your own breakfast cereal? Did you choose what TV you are going to buy? Did you choose where you wanted to live? Point made ... moving onto something that doesn't sound like something an idiot spat out when they were drunk.
And now the real point I want to make. The point about toxic chemicals.
According to the World Health Organization almost every vaccination they list is less than 10 mL, in fact of that number most are under 5 mL. A couple are more with the largest one being about 30mL. Some are single doses and but most require about 3 or 4 doses. Barely anything. I have seen arguments against vaccination because chemicals like formaldehyde are used to preserve the vaccination and that parents don't want to introduce harmful chemicals into their child's body.
This is the real point of my argument here. This tiny amount of chemical pales in comparison to the toxic chemicals that enter into a child's body from other sources. Formaldehyde for instance is used in a variety of things. It is used to make clothing in a store feel soft and to be wrinkle free. Hence why it is recommended that all new clothing is washed before wearing it. What about the cigarette you are smoking? Formaldehyde is in that too ... among other toxic things. In fact it is found in many adhesives, solvents and bonding agents found in your home. Your house probably contains more formaldehyde right now than all the vaccinations over the course of a child's life put together.
Then again this is not the only dangerous chemical in a child's life. Let's look at MSG for instance. A chemical found in about 80% of processed food. How many parents out there give their children let's say chicken nuggets. My husband loves them, eats them like they are going out of fashion. They contain about 50% chicken (read the ingredients list ... its not as much chicken as you think). Makes you wonder what the other 50% of ingredients are doesn't it? Chances are they contain MSG (MSG has a variety of names so its not likely listed as MSG). MSG makes food taste so much better. And it makes you want more. So you buy more. And therefore eat more. The only one I see benefiting in this instance is the company that made the chicken nuggets.
In a lab if you have a bunch of mice, they don't get fat on their own. So how to they make the mice fat to study obesity? They give them MSG laden food. Let's do a visual demonstration:
Not very pretty. And you never thought that commercial companies would harm you precious child.
But I feed my child organic food you yell. Well lets look at another aspect of modern life. Car exhaust fumes. If you live in the city then your surrounded by this. So is your child. Our friend Formaldehyde comes up again here as one of the components of car exhaust fumes. So is sulphur dioxide, a rather strong and potent acid. Especially when mixed with water. Then there is components like nitrogen dioxide (kids often use this to get high as it deprives the brain of oxygen), carbon monoxide (once again deprives the brain of oxygen) and benzene, which is a known cancer causing agent.
So while there are parents who jump up on their soap boxes and scream about anti vaccination, I have to find flaws in their logic. Vaccinations have removed horrible diseases like polio from the western world. Let's do another visual demonstration of what the after effects of polio are:
Is this what those who are against vaccinations really want to go back too? A world where this happens. The power is there to prevent this. And by not vaccinating you actually put your entire community at risk of deadly disease Mostly because vaccination simply lowers the chances significantly of a person catching these diseases. So your child becomes infected because you didn't vaccinate, you send said child out into the world and then what? Your child dies along with everyone else's? How would you feel knowing you allowed the spread of a toxic disease like polio and killed or destroyed the lives of those in your community?
This is an example of how narrow minded we humans can get. We focus so much on the one little thing where in fact our whole modern world is toxic and poisonous to us. We have the capacity to remove these horrible diseases from the world so no child or adult has to suffer them. No one has to be deformed. No family destroyed. Yet we let irrational fears stop us.
So focused are these people on preventing one little thing in the environment that they fail to see the bigger picture. The huge SUV they drive like a trophy is probably undoing all the good those tiny little vaccinations provide when their child later dies of cancer from breathing its fumes. Or when their child suffers complications of obesity from eating MSG laden food.
There is a bigger picture here. So take off those blinders and think a little bit more than about yourself. If you already have ... well done. My hat off to you.
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